The bus incident: It was on the 27th of June, 2017, that I spaced out in the wrong place at the wrong time. You would think that once a person's remembered a route and gone on the buses countless times, they couldn't possibly end up in a completely different place... I left my house in the pouring hail and paced my way to the bus stop 10 minutes away. By the time I had reached it, I was drenched and I could feel the water in my shoes :/ I sought shelter under the stop and sat there for half an hour, somehow patiently waiting for the bus to arrive while strangers raced past, gripping their umbrellas in the weather. To be honest, I love hail, but only when I'm not being attacked by it. It felt like more than half an hour had gone by when I squinted and made out the shape of the big, red bus and uncomfortably climbed my way up to the top deck. The hail ended in the 30 minutes I was on this bus, so I was lucky when I got off at the last stop. The luck disappeared as ...