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how music crept into my bubble

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Hearing people say that music is just a 'hobby' or just a 'passion' can get slightly annoying. What if music was more than that? A lifestyle, a religion. Nothing can grab you the way music does. My attention spam is 15 minutes maximum but the unimaginable formation of so many instruments to create one phenomenal piece is enough to have me hooked for days on end.

Over the past few years, we've seen an immense number of songs being released on all sorts of music platforms; some are appealing while others aren't. One thing we have to remember is how everyone's music taste differs. I constantly find myself insulting rap music that classmates listen to but have to stop and remind myself that there are always going to be certain songs I don't like. You never know when that song could appear in your playlist as a straight bOp!

As a child, I attended a Christian primary school that sang hymns all the time and had mini discos every year. To this day, I still finds hymns beautiful, even though I'm not a Christian, and grew up listening to the radio. I would definitely say that I was heavily influenced by what songs my teachers put on; I can still picture me and my friends dancing to Justin Bieber's 'Eenie Meenie' as six year olds and remember our intricate dance to Tik Tok. Fast forward a few years and we're in the hall, showing off our Macarena dance moves. Once, each year group got given a different era of music and sang songs from there. I can recall this one house competition we had where each house danced to a chosen song. My house rocked out to Thriller and was, no doubt, the best! I was that girl in the friend group who would know every single pop song that came on the radio. 

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However, as I entered secondary school, everyone listened to such a variety of music. Many students became impacted by their friends listening to rap, but somehow I wasn't one of those people. When I made myself a Spotify account, that's when my taste began to expand. For a while, I still remained stuck to the radio and mainstream songs, but my obsession over 5 Seconds Of Summer led me to find so many other bands and artists that were both well known and unknown. One other great thing is how my friends and I have a completely different ear for music, helping me to discover more new genres. Over time, I stopped disliking K-Pop; I listened to many foreign songs and genres like rock, country, indie, pop-punk, and even classical music. To be fair, I have yet to fully accept rap, but when the time comes, it comes... 😁

We tend to see so many posts saying "Music is my religion" and people claiming that music had saved their lives... let me be honest with you: I thought those was the craziest things I had ever heard. But now that I think about my connection to music, I don't know how else I would describe it. I would quite literally die for music... Cringe? I thought so. The amount of times I've been 'saved' by music is infinite.

One night, when I wasn't in the best moodKaleidoscope Eyes by Panic! At The Disco came on on shuffle and the manic laugh at the end was enough to flip my mood completely. Other times, the soothing guitars calm me down or the drums or beat make me ecstatic. Sometimes, I find a song so extraordinary that I lose all sense of movement... and I might possibly even fall off of my chair in shock 5 minutes before I have to leave for school.

There's something amazing about music that makes it so compelling. I used to focus on the vocals in a song only, but then gradually I paid attention to the lyrics... Now, the voice, bass, guitar, drums, lyrics (etc) all hit me at once. It can turn into quite an emotional ride! Music seems to wrap itself around you and you don't know whether you're craving music or if it's craving you! Finding out about such a variety of genres, bands and artists has led me to become quite an open-minded and accepting person, in my opinion. It also allows you to hold a conversation with a lot of people just by talking about music. Before you know it, those awkward small-talk exchanges will cease to exist.


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